Welcome to Shamanic Path Holidays

An Introduction to Shamanism & the Runes

WELCOME to Shamanic Path Holidays – our first courses in “An Introduction to Shamanism and the Runes”. As you will read, if you investigate our website, Bill and I have been travelling the Shamanic Path for quite some time, in fact I believe that we would both say – most of our entire lives, even though for a long time we neither of us knew it!

A Dream World

Here at Butterfly Cottage and Farmhouse you will be invited to suspend belief and enjoy a mystery – a dream world peoples by tree spirits, animal guides and see stretching before you a new way of living in this extremely stressful and taxing modern world. You will live a “technology free” existence for five full days of interesting and enjoyable learning, imparted personally and with a caring and friendly approach. You will glimpse a path to a new future – one of knowledge and guidance from other dimensions, a certain and genuine possibility of taking power over your own destiny and, if you wish, helping others to do the same.


Our Forest

View of Maison Blaireau
View of Maison Blaireau

Our forest is deep and dark and goes on forever, but it is not a forbidding place when you get to know the trees and the tree spirits, the branches reach down to greet us in spring with satin new leaves, gleaming and green whilst in autumn it is a glorious riot of reds, orange, bronze and every shade of brown you can imagine. Our fields are ecologically balanced to provide grazing for our wonderful sheep and horses. Owls entertain our winter evenings but nightingales serenade our spring.


Have a drink in the garden
Have a drink in the garden

The accommodation provided by our house and gite cottage, which will be interconnected for the courses, is comfortable farmhouse style living. Between us, my husband Mike and I, supported by our partner Bill and our cook Susanne will make you welcome, relaxed and entertained as well as informed, for a full five days of exploration of another way of thinking, another way of living, seeing and believing. You will never be quite the same again – but you will be the richer spiritually, stronger, healthier and happier.

The Vow

In addition to an unforgettable experience of good food, good wine, good company and the magical experience of taking your Algiz Vow, you will make your own rune set to take home with you. You will be provided with a beautiful pouch to keep them in together with your own record of thoughts, deeds and emotions which will mark this new beginning.